Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Meet & Spuds" - Persona Pain-Gain Map

Meet & Spuds

For single men and for single ladies looking for a single guy, who have the desire for a juicy steak or pot roast and gravy, MEET & SPUDs is a restaurant that gives you what crave, just meat and potatoes... skip the veggies.  Unlike any other non-fast food restaurant, this restaurant caters only to the man.  We keep it simple.  No chicken, no fish.  WE'VE GOT BEEF.  Ladies are welcome and in fact invited to join in this casual setting.  Just meet at the door and join them for a meal that appeals to their heart and stomach.

Our target market is predominantly single adult men who are looking for a great place to eat that also guarantees they will not have to eat alone.  Here is a persona pain-gain map to describe the typical customer we are reaching out to.

We aim to satisfy the cravings of a hungry man, supplying only that which he truly desires at a price that is affordable.  The unique atmosphere provided at this restaurant is meant to ensure that all customers will have a dinner companion, whether they come with a group or more importantly when they come alone.  It is not intended to be a place to find a date, although that is always a possibility.  It is intended to be a haven where people can meet total strangers, man or woman, carry on a conversation and enjoy a great meal. 


  1. I understand the target customer segment, and the appeal of a guys meal, but I curious how you plan to separate your value proposition from every sports bar in the world. As a never married 30-somthing male who has traveled a lot for work and lived in other countries, I find that any Irish pub offers a similar service . Do you plan to focus on the menu? Or on the social setting? If women are invited, how do you plan to keep the environment laid back and not into a "Meat Market"? Do you plan on pairing dinners up with each other? All thoughts questions aside, I do believe you have found a gain for each of your target customer’s pains.

  2. I disagree Jim. This is quite different from the ubiquitous Irish pub. This is a theme restaurant that keeps the menu simple (keeps cost down), since it's for guys the decor can be simple (keeps cost down), and it's for guys (so the women are bound to so up and stick there nose into it).

    There are two things I would change...
    1) I don't like the dinner pairing thing. If I want to have dinner with some guys, I'll bring my friends and will eat. I understand the idea of making it a social place to meet people but these type of place are that way already. It's seem strange to me if you were to advertise in such a way to indicate that you can eat with strangers if you are lonely.

    2) Beer must be a more prominent part of this restaurant. You mentioned that alcohol will be served but it seems you are focused on having the meet and potato to be the star. Pair beers from around the world for each meal or even have a meal deal chart...
    #1 Burger, fries, Budweiser
    #2 Ribs, red-bliss, Sam Adams
    #3 Rib-eye, baked, Bass Ale
    #4 Filet, garlic-mashed, Guiness

    ...I'm starving....going to eat...good luck.
